Friday, April 24, 2015

Why LeBron James is just the worst

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It was a back breaker loss last night for the Boston Celtics slim hopes of upsetting the heavily favored Cleveland Cavaliers. LeBron James took over the game from start to finish, putting up 31 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists, 4 steals, and 2 blocks. He is an unbelievable basketball player; and in the early rounds of the playoffs against lesser competition, he is arguably the best ever.

As much as I want to respect LeBron as I watch in awe of his ability to make the game look so easy, I just can't.

He quite possibly is the most smug, selfish, whiny, immature, and unbelievable athlete in the NBA. In a league full of “look at me” type personalities, James tops the list and is miles and miles in front of second place. LeBron has been scrutinized more than any other player in the NBA, yet he brings it all upon himself.

I don’t know if this bothers anyone else but look at King James comments after the game.

“The great thing about being here, these fans are loyal to one thing and one thing only, and that's green. That's all they see, that's all they care about. For me being a competitor, for me being someone that they know, personally, to be able to come out here and perform in front of those guys, it means a lot. Because they know the game, they know basketball, they know sports. It's a sports town between them and the Patriots and the Bruins and the Red Sox. They know sports. So for me to be able to have some type of history in this city, it means a lot for my legacy.” [ESPN Boston]

It’s really nice praise and respectful comments to a city that overwhelming hates him and boos him every time he steps on the Garden floor. What gets me is what he says at the end,  “it means a lot for my legacy.” Really LeBron, that’s what you take it all back to, why is everything about YOU and YOUR LEGACY? Like people are lining up to build you a golden statue and throw rose petals at your feet. Oh yeah, your legacy is so important that an entire city, and arguably the best sports city in America is nothing more than a piece of LEBRON JAMES' LEGACY!

You know what LeBron, why don’t you look at it the other way. How about you see the legacy that is the Boston Celtics, and the NBA’s legacy and you are just a small piece of the puzzle. How about realizing that your “legacy” is currently marred with a 2-3 finals record, and playoff success that has come solely against the Eastern Conference. How about just giving credit where credit is due and tell it like it is.  How about just saying a nice respectful comment, and that’s it?

We did this to ourselves anointing him the savior of basketball when he was 16. Now 14 years later when he is in the prime of his NBA career, he’s worried about his legacy. I imagine him waking up in the morning and looking at the cereal choices, “Does LeBron(obviously he talks to himself in the third person) want lucky charms or fruit loops? Well, LeBron really wants those fruit loops but LeBron really thinks the lucky charms are more important to LeBron’s legacy. Sorry fruit loops, my legacy is riding on this choice.”


LeBron, if you want, you can be the first client of Dutra P.R. firm. Here’s the plan, just score a shit ton of points say F-it to everyone else that isn’t on your team, stop whining at the refs, and never…. EVER…. Ever mention your LEGACY until you get inducted into the Hall of Fame. Oh, and don’t go telling people you are a 30-year old man into reading the Hunger games, not a good look.  Not to mention it's time to accept it and let what's left of your 'hair-line' go and come on home already.

Take the advice or leave it but if LeBron James wants to be the beloved superstar we all know he thinks he is, just live in the now and worry about your 'legacy' later. Because a legacy is not something you have control over, you can’t dictate what your legacy is and how you want to be viewed by the masses.


Sean Dutra
Follow me on Twitter:@CausewayStreet

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